Monday, April 30, 2012

l'existence : l'essence

so i have been vectoring in over the past five years or so on the core theme and driving design structure of my life.  this driving force, i've discovered, is the power of choice. one of my first revelations that the living creature called Choice could wholly change my reality came as a french major at the university studying existentialism.  existentialism gets a bad wrap with some folks.  it can be a scary thing to realize that we are our choices, that our whole experience is a choose your own adventure story.  i think it is important to remember that the power of choice is wielded moment by moment whether actively or passively, and as such, can behave as a central mindfulness awareness practice.
 'The proposition that existence precedes essence (French: l'existence précède l'essence) is a central claim of existentialism, which reverses the traditional philosophical view that the essence or nature of a thing is more fundamental and immutable than its existence. To existentialists, the human being—through their consciousness—creates their own values and determines a meaning for their life because, in the beginning, the human being does not possess any inherent identity or value. By posing the acts that constitute him or her, he or she makes their existence more significant.' (wikipedia)
embodying choice in a dynamic way is a changemaker. when you shift from "dealing with change" and "trying to make good choices" to living (or aiming to live) daily as an architect of your free will, detached from judgment, the chance to experience the harmony of 'flow' is significantly heightened.

“au milieu de l'hiver, j'ai découvert en moi un invincible été.”  - albert camus.


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

new breakfie

almond milk
coconut water
half a frozen banana
half a cup of frozen berries
a scoop of greens
three ice cubes
(this morning: two basil leaves)

so happy.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

sky : mapper

The lyre is one of the most ancient of musical instruments. For example, in the royal city of Ur (circa 3000 BC) musicians played the lyre for royalty, according to excavated artifacts.
In Greek mythology, the lyre was invented by Hermes. When only a child, he pulled a cow-gut across a tortoise shell, and thereby created the lyre. Hermes gave this lyre to his half-brother Apollo (both were fathered by Zeus). As the god of music, Apollo became associated with the instrument.
Orpheus was given the instrument by Apollo when only a child, and the Muses taught him to use it. Even Nature herself would stop to listen, enraptured by his music.
When Eurydice, the wife of Orpheus, died from a snake bite and was taken to the Underworld, Orpheus followed in hopes of bringing her back. His playing convinced Hades to release Eurydice, providing Orpheus didn't look back at her during the journey home - but just as he emerged into the sunlight Orpheus turned and gazed upon his wife, and lost her forever.
There are several versions about the death of Orpheus. In the most widespread version Dionysus invades Thrace, home of Orpheus, and the female followers of Dionysus (the Maenads) tear Orpheus from limb to limb. His head is thrown into the river Hebrus, where it floats to Lesbos, singing the entire time.
The lyre of Orpheus is also thrown into the river, and it too floats to Lesbos, beached near the temple of Apollo. Apollo then convinces Zeus that the instrument should become a constellation. Zeus agrees, and places the lyre of Orpheus between Hercules and Cygnus.

i'll be looking upward.  what're your weekend plans?